Free Workshops
with Jamie Wolf
10 am - 1 pm • Havurah
Sunday, March 2: Staying calm & centered in challenging times
Sunday, March 23: Fostering situational
awareness to become prepared, not scared
Sociologist, experienced trainer, and Vashon resident Jamie Wolf has offered a wonderful gift to the Vashon Jewish community: two free interactive workshops to help us maintain our mental health and safety in these challenging times.
Because mutual trust is an important component of both workshops, they are intended for members of the Jewish community, our partners and friends, and aspiring allies.

Find program details
& community news
in our monthly newsletter:
• March 2 & 23: Jamie Wolf Workshops
• March 30: Annual Havurah Meeting
• April 5: Surviving Survival Performance
• 9:30 am, every Saturday: Torah Study
• Purim Party Cancelled
• Mixed Media Storytelling Class
• Thriftway Receipts: Thank You!
• Todah Rabah
• February holidays
• Jewish Federation Calendar
Annual Meeting
4 pm • Sunday, March 30
in-person at the Havurah & zoom
refreshments provided!
• determine the future direction of the Havurah!
• elect (or re-elect) officers!
• show support for our trustees & volunteers
Torah Discussion • Zoom
9:30 - 11 am • Every Saturday
Join us for an informal and respectful lay-led discussion of the current parashah in the context of contemporary, historical, spiritual, political, and cultural themes.
The Vashon Havurah is a warm and welcoming home for the spiritual, social, and intellectual needs of the Jewish Community of Vashon Island. We aim to:
• foster the exploration of the richness and diversity of Jewish life;
• create an egalitarian setting where each member’s individual Jewish path is honored and supported;
• cultivate the tenets of Judaism through Study (Torah), Justice (Tzedakah), Prayer (T’filah), Deeds of Loving Kindness (G’milut Chasidim), and Healing the World (Tikkun Olam).
Location (open only during scheduled events):
15401 Westside Hwy SW
Vashon WA 98070
Mailing Address:
Vashon Havurah
PO Box 89
Vashon WA 98070
Email: vashonhavurah@gmail.com
We are an all-volunteer organization. We work together to maintain our programs, sanctuary, library, and gardens.

Suzanne Greenberg
Sari Lipitz
Alice Bloch
Recording Secretery
Noah Roselander
Lakme Elior
Facilities (ex officio)
Peter Rubin
Communications (ex officio)
Brief History:
The Havurah started as an informal group for social get-togethers in 1986. First known as the Jewish Study Group, the group quickly prospered. The idea of a Vashon Havurah was based on the general havurah movement that emerged in the United States during the social changes and counterculture of the 1960s.
The Vashon Havurah’s current building was built in 1926 by members of the Golgatha Norwegian Lutheran Church. The building changed hands throughout the years and was purchased from the Bethel Church in 2001. Today, our building hosts weekly Torah Study, monthly Friday evening Shabbat services, High Holiday celebrations, other holiday and festival days.
Weekly Torah Discussion:
The Torah Study Group meets 9:30 - 11:00 am every Saturday. Due to the COVID pandemic, the Havurah building is closed, and we are meeting on Zoom.
Discussion is informal and respectful of our tradition. The portion is usually discussed in the context of contemporary, historical, spiritual, political, and cultural themes; how it informs religious practice and Jewish values; and how the Torah relates to our lives today. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Interested individuals can join in the reading/discussion at any point of the year. No reservation or RSVP is required – simply show up!
Before meeting together, group members may independently read or listen to each week’s portion, but it is not required. We read from various translations, and we also screenshare a translation on Zoom during the discussion. If you do not have a Pentateuch or Tanakh at home, you can find links to the weekly Torah reading (parshah) in our Monthly Newsletter, at hebcal.com or chabad.org .
We welcome Shabbat together occasionally -- watch the announcements at the top of this page and the Monthly Newsletter for details.
We have an energetic ritual committee which plans programs and services for the High Holy Days, Sukkot, Chanukkah, Tu b'Shvat, Purim, Passover, and Shavuot. Watch the announcements at the top of this page and the Monthly Newsletter for details!
The Vashon Havurah is an entirely volunteer-led community. We welcome everyone's energy and skills to maintain our activities and facilities. Membership contributions are a vital part of our annual budget and are critical to ensuring our Jewish presence on Vashon Island.
Membership dues are entirely self-assessed, meaning dues of any amount are welcome, and all financial information is confidential. Active members give $500 to $1,000 a year. No one is denied membership for financial reasons. Click the link above to view suggested Fair Share membership dues based on income levels.
To become a new member, or to extend your current membership, please use our secure online payment system, or mail a check to the Vashon Havurah.
Donations are a vital part of our annual budget and help to ensure Havurat Ee Shalom’s presence on Vashon Island.
It is traditional to provide donations not just during the High Holidays, but also to honor special people and commemorate life-cycle events such as:
New baby or grandchild
B’nai Mitzvah
Speedy recovery
In memory / Yahrzeit
Tribute, memorial and gift donations will be acknowledged in our newsletter and on our website.
Be sure to include the purpose of your donation in your correspondence.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious organization; contributions and membership dues are tax deductible according to federal regulation.
Other ways to support the Havurah:
Save Your Thriftway Receipts:
Vashon Thriftway gives 1% of your purchases to the Havurah!
Simply sign your slips and give them to a board member, or drop them in the jar at the Havurah.
PayPal Giving Fund:
PayPal Giving Fund transfers your donation without fees. Click:
Support the Havurah with Investments:
donate stocks directly to the Havurah with no capital gains tax.
donate from tax-deferred IRA or retirement programs without applying the distribution to your taxable income.
make a bequest in your will.
For more information, please CLICK to email our Treasurer Stacey Peyer
We are grateful to all those who have given so generously. Thank you!